
Douglas Hoggatt, PT

profile picDouglas Hoggatt, PT is the owner of Body Wise Physical Therapy.  He graduated with a Bachelor of Health Science degree in Physical Therapy from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 1996. Upon graduation, he also completed a two-year post-graduate residency in orthopedic manual physical therapy.  He has trained in many approaches to manual therapy throughout his career, but since 2009, his clinical focus has been on Fascial Counterstrain because of its gentle, versatile application and powerful results.

As a physical therapist, Douglas believes in a collaborative relationship between clinician and client.  While Fascial Counterstrain by itself is a highly effective modality, holistic movement therapies such as Total Motion Release and Postural Restoration encourage clients to participate actively in their rehabilitation.  Total Motion Release, for example, empowers clients to become their own therapist; that is, it enables them to treat pain and dysfunction anywhere in their bodies independently.  Postural Restoration can play a major role in a client’s recovery because it emphasizes proper breathing and biomechanics during all activities.  

Douglas started Body Wise Physical Therapy to include holistic movement with manual treatment; to facilitate cooperation between clinician and client; and most importantly, to work together to maximize results.

“What’s in a Name?”

Body Wise Physical Therapy began in 2010 based on the idea that the body has its own wisdom, and it knows exactly what it needs to heal.  It will provide a guide to successful treatment if the therapist knows how to ask the right questions, which is only possible if the therapist approaches the body holistically.  That is, the therapist considers the body as one complete functional unit—not just a collection of seemingly unrelated parts of anatomy.  How could a therapist treat shoulder pain, for example, without looking at the neck, or pelvis, or even the ankle?  Body Wise Physical Therapy understands that everything is functionally connected, and the body will share that wisdom with us if we are willing to listen.